Christmas 2019
Contract Lumber Family,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:14
As 2019 hustles to a close we pause to celebrate Christmas and reflect on another successful year complete with a major milestone and innumerable accomplishments.
At the onset of this year we announced our expansion into the Nashville, TN market. We continue to be blessed with growth in Nashville as our talented team builds that business and our story of growth unfolds in Tennessee. In the Spring of this year we held the ribbon cutting of our new truss plant in Atlanta, GA. During this same time period we also expanded our operations into South Carolina with our new facility in the town of Clinton servicing Greenville and Columbia, SC. On the heels of opening our Clinton location we opened up another new facility servicing the Raleigh, NC market full time out of the town of Sanford, NC. Outside of our location openings, our more established markets continue to set the benchmark for what service excellence looks like in a multitude of disciplines.
Aside from continuing to expand our geographical footprint and valued customer relationships, perhaps one of the most exciting events this year was celebrating our company’s 30 year anniversary. From a personal standpoint, reflecting on 30 years of Contract Lumber is a tall task. It’s been 30 years since my dad decided to take the biggest risk of his lifetime, starting a new company from scratch. Starting this company was not just a huge gamble for my family but also involved sacrificing enormous amounts of family time, security and resources - day after day, month after month, year after year. Reflecting on 30 years now, I have come to realize that all of the family sacrificing was intended to create an even bigger family - one that I would come to be surrounded by and love deeply. It encourages me to know that the family nature of our operation is one of our greatest assets as a company and will continue to set us apart from our competitors in each market that we operate.
I can’t help but be in awe of our Contract Lumber family this season especially with all that has been accomplished in the last 12 months. We want to continue the growth of our family here and opportunities within it so that each individual family may thrive and prosper. Our family here isn’t just the immediate employees of Contract Lumber either, it’s much bigger than that. Our family is comprised of customer’s we have multi-decade relationships with, our valued vendor partners and amazing subcontractor relationships throughout the industry in every market. Thank you so much for all of your dedication and hard work to make this one of the greatest work families in the country. As we continue to grow into 2020 I want to encourage everyone to contemplate just how important family is to all of us. The value of family alone makes everything we do each day in the business makes it all worthwhile.
“Who can add to Christmas? The perfect motive is that God so loved the world. The perfect gift is that He gave His only Son. The only requirement is to believe in Him. The reward of faith is that you shall have everlasting life.”
Merry Christmas,
Jim Bieser